Publications et travaux de recherche


Développement d’une infrastructure numérique pour la sûreté des croisements : Application ferroviaire
Doctorante : Mayssa Dardour
Encadrants : Mohamed MOSBAH et Toufik AHMED
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Développement d’une architecture Edge pour la micromobilité et l’intermodalité
Doctorante : Rania SWESSI
Encadrants : Mohamed MOSBAH et Zeineb EL KHALFI
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Hybridation des technologies ITS-G5 et réseaux cellulaires 5G pour le support des réseaux véhiculaires résilients et sécurisés
Doctorant : Badreddine Yacine YACHEUR
Encadrants : Toufik AHMED et Mohamed MOSBAH
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Développement d’une infrastructure numérique hybride basée sur des réseaux 5G pour le support de services C-ITS résilients
Doctorant : Rachedi ABDENNOUR
Encadrants : Toufik AHMED et Mohamed MOSBAH
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Résilience de la perception collective et augmentée des véhicules autonomes connectée par les C-ITS
Doctorant : Imed GHNAYA
Encadrants : Mohamed MOSBAH, Marion BERBINEAU, Toufik AHMED et Hasnaa ANISS
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Architectures et protocoles pour les véhicules connectés
Doctorant : Sabri Khamari
Encadrants : Mohamed Mosbah, Toufik Ahmed
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  • Securing Level Crossings with Edge Infrastructure and V2X Communications: A High-Performance Solution

In : International Workshop on Distributed Computing for Emerging Smart Networks (pp. 116-130). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland

Authors : Mayssa Dardour, Marouane H., Mohamed Mosbah, Hend Mnif, Toufik Ahmed and Meddeb-Makhlouf A.

  • Integrated Vehicle Access Protocol with Priority-Based Messaging for VANETs

In : International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. p. 114-128.

Authors : Mayssa Dardour, Mohamed Mosbah and Toufik Ahmed

  • Optimized Intelligent Driver Model for a Fluid Traffic Flow and Accidents Avoidance

In : Optimized Intelligent Driver Model for a Fluid Traffic Flow and Accidents Avoidance

Authors : Mayssa Dardour, Mohamed Mosbah and Toufik Ahmed

  • A Messaging Strategy based on ITS-G5 for a Bus Blockage Emergency at a Level Crossing angs
In : 2022 14th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). IEEE, 2022. p. 108-112.
Authors : Mayssa Dardour, Mohamed Mosbah and Toufik Ahmed
  • An In-Depth Analysis of an ITS-G5 Messaging Strategy for Bus Blockage Emergencies at Level Crossings
In : Journal of Network and Systems Management, 2024, vol. 32, no 2, p. 38.
Authors : Mayssa Dardour, Mohamed Mosbah and Toufik Ahmed
  • Shared micro-mobility : technologies, challenges and prospects of using collected data (In press)

Authors : Rania Swessi, Zeineb El Khalfi, Imen Jemili, and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Service Migration in MEC-Enabled Vehicular Networks

In : 2023 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
9 – 12 Juillet 2023 // Gammarth, Tunisia

Authors : Sabri Khamari, Abdennour Rachedi, Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Throughput Enhancement in Hybrid Vehicular Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

In : 2023 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
9 – 12 Juillet 2023 // Gammarth, Tunisia

Authors : Badreddine Yacine Yacheur, Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

Prix « Best Student Short Paper & Poster Award »

  • Efficient DRL-Based Selection Strategy in Hybrid Vehicular Networks
 In : 2023 IEEE Transactions on Networks and Service Management
Authors : Badreddine Yacine Yacheur, Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)
  • Optimized Intelligent Driver Model for a Fluid Traffic Flow and Accidents Avoidance

In : 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring)
18 – 21 June 2023 // Florence, Italy

Authors : Mayssa Dardour , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • DRL-based RAT Selection in a Hybrid Vehicular Communication Network

In : 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring)
18 – 21 June 2023 // Florence, Italy

Authors : Badreddine Yacine Yacheur , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Multi-Agent Advantage Actor-Critic Learning For Message Content Selection in Cooperative Perception Networks

In : 2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
8-12 May 2023 // Miami, FL, USA

Authors : Imed Ghnaya , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)
Hasnaa Aniss (University Gustave Eiffel, France)

  • Free-floating Micro-mobility Smart Redistribution Using Spatio-temporal Demand Forecasting

In : 2023 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC)
26 – 28 Avril 2023 // Istanbul, Turkiye

Authors : Rania Swessi, Zeineb El Khalfi, Imen Jemili, and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • A Distributed Double Deep Q-Learning Method for Object Redundancy Mitigation in vehicular Networks

In : 2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
26–29 March 2023 // Glasgow, Scotland, UK Wireless Communications for Social Innovation

Authors : Imed Ghnaya , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)
Hasnaa Aniss (University Gustave Eiffel, France)

  • Efficient Edge Server Placement under Latency and Load Balancing Constraints for Vehicular Networks

In : 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom)
04 – 08 December 2022 // Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Authors : Sabri Khamari , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Maximizing Information Usefulness in Vehicular CP Networks Using Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning

In : 2022 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management
31 October – 4 November 2022 // Thessaloniki, Greece

Authors : Imed Ghnaya , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)
Hasnaa Aniss (University Gustave Eiffel, France)

  • A Messaging Strategy based on ITS-G5 for a Bus Blockage Emergency at a Level Crossing

In : 2022 14th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC)
17 – 19 October 2022 // Sousse, Tunisia

Authors : Mayssa Dardour , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Green Edge Servers Placement for Intelligent Transport Systems

In : 2022 13th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF)
05 – 07 October 2022 // Ghent, Belgium

Authors : Sabri Khamari , Abdennour Rachedi , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Edge-based Safety Intersection Assistance Architecture for Connected Vehicles

In : 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC)
28 June – 02 July 2021// Harbin, China

Authors : Sabri Khamari , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Implementation and Assessment of IEEE 802.11BD for Improved Road Safety

In : 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
09 – 12 January 2021 // Las Vegas, NV, USA

Authors : Badreddine Yacine Yacheur , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

  • Analysis and Comparison of IEEE 802.11p and IEEE 802.11bd

In : Krief, F., Aniss, H., Mendiboure, L., Chaumette, S., Berbineau, M. (eds) Communication Technologies for Vehicles. Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12574. Springer, Cham (december 20th 2020)

Authors : Badreddine Yacine Yacheur , Toufik Ahmed and Mohamed Mosbah (CNRS-LaBRI UMR 5800, University Bordeaux, Bordeaux-INP, France)

Face à l’expansion croissante  et des services de micro mobilité partagée, de nouveaux systèmes de véhicules géolocalisés et connectés en libre-service voient le jour : amélioration de la sécurité des usagers, optimisation de l’organisation et des déplacements, gestion et sécurisation des bases de données, etc